Example Location

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Example Location


This page is an example of how a completed location page should be laid out. See comments in the Wikitext sourse for more info.

Basic information about this location should be included in this section.

History & Current Role

Detailed lore information about this location. If there is no real lore for this area, and you can't make some up, just don't include this section.

Notable Characters

List of characters found here

Named Character

Monologue Man

This is a brief description of the important character above

Minor Characters

Minor characters should be grouped here and placed in a list

  • Suspicious guy - A character notable enough to be mentioned, but not important enough for a title link above.

Shops & Services

A list of any shops or services, with a brief description of their location

  • Tavern - In the middle, next to the blue crystal.
  • Item Shop - To the west of the tavern.
  • Traveling Scholar - In the southwestern corner, near a blue tree.


A list of all enemies found in the area, grouped by rarity If relevant, indicate whether the enemy is found during the day or night





A list of all quests which are started in this location, or take place primarily here.

Notable Treasure

A list of unique or rare items that can be obtained in this area. Seperate normal items from Art collection items


Try to include a note if an art item is obtained through some means other than a chest

  • Ancient Pages - Firewolf
  • Golden Old Coin
  • Tablet of History
  • Water Toad (Hunting)
  • Ring of Example (Treasure Map)


Try to include a note if an art item is dropped by a creature

  • Illustration 01
  • Illustration 02 (Legendary)
  • Trading Card 01


A list available maps for this area. Use Media links instead of placing them directly on the page. Click on each link to view the full-scale version.